"Caring for an aging parent can be taxing on family caregivers. The ADP allows me to recharge and provides our loved one with mind-engaging activities essential in maintaining his morale."
"During the [COVID] shutdown, I was unable to devote time to keeping my Dad engaged in mind-stimulating activities. I came to realize how valuable the ADP was in his mental well-being." "Due to the Covid crisis, there are many challenges dealing with the elderly population including lack of social interaction and activity. I am especially grateful for the Adult Day Program at Mount of Olives Lutheran Church, because they provided a much needed place for my mother to interact with other like-minded people. She was unable to attend church, obtain groceries, go shopping or eat at a restaurant because of the threat of catching the virus. The staff at ADP have carefully followed strict guidelines, and the clients have remained happy and healthy because of their diligent efforts." "During the [COVID] shutdown, my Dad had no access to social activities outside of the household. Social activities are important in maintaining his morale which is why the ADP has become such a great partner in caring for our loved one." "You are essential!" |
"For over a year, my husband has been attending the ADP. It is something for which I am very thankful. I am thankful for the facility - the light, bright room where he spends much of his day when he is there and the larger meeting room. I am thankful for the activities and programs provided for him, including the times spent with the preschool children. However, I am most thankful for the staff. They are a group with ready smiles and caring hearts. I appreciate the respect and value communicated to those who attend."
"The Adult Day Program at Mount of Olives has been such a blessing for my mother and our family! You all have given us so much comfort during these difficult times in our life. The emotional, physical and spiritual support which we have received from you at the ADP has been phenomenal!
Almost eight years ago I lost my father to Alzheimer's disease, and then incredibly, my mother was diagnosed with it as well. Our lives have been rearranged and turned upside down. I first heard about the ADP during a church services at Mount of Olives where my family and I are members. Little did I know that in God's plan, I would be bringing my mother to the program twice a week... Getting up, dressing and eating is laborious and requires a lot of effort, but we all knew that attending the ADP was the best thing for her. Doing the right thing is often inconvenient and time consuming, but at the end of the day, it is still right. My mother has been attending the ADP for over two years now! She looks forward to attending and participating in every activity that has been carefully planned for her and all the other participants. She loves the staff and has made new friends...We thank the staff for all your hard work, kindness and graciousness..." |
"I would like to share with the Saddleback Valley Community and the attending Medical Community my experience with a wonderful Senior Day Care Program called Adult Day Program at Mount of Olives Church. My husband attended the program there for several years because he had suffered a stroke, had memory problems and could no longer work. He looked forward each day to go to the ADP where he could socialize, play games, do art, listen and watch entertainment provided by community groups, be served breakfast and lunch, and even go for supervised walks and indoor exercise. He even took the OCTA bus to the facility and was helped inside. Each day had a new set of activities. The Staff knew each guest personally and all were treated with love and care. He made many friends there among the guests and staff. Many of the guests had memory problems and some needed physical assistance, but it was evident that they felt at home with the group. I cannot imagine a better place for a loved one to be for support and care while family is at work."